Friday, March 14, 2008

A goodbye song for Mr Telfer from 1C2!!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

What is life?
Can you cut it with a knife?
World peace leave with your niece!
Your niece is climate change - stay away and save the pain.
please leave so we have room to
Aids, Aids kills
Cystic fibrosis is atrocious
Death, DEATH, go away we can fix but not in
one day.

by Andrew

Friday, January 25, 2008

Shrek Unit

Here's a link to the Yale website where you can learn all about film technique!
Click Me!

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The moon so nice
After the sun it’s the moon
So it shining bright
By R

The birds sing with us
When they sing the music so nice
They make the music
By R
Birds singing today
Trees moving swiftly away
Bees buzzing all day

Oh hamster so cute
You are so soft and greedy
With big huge fat cheeks.

by Orange Star
Trees blow like the wind
Like you never seen them before
They stay with the sun...

by Silent Sun
Summer give us heat
Winter give us thick white snow
Spring gives us flowers.

by Autumn Man
One two three four five
I can see a big beehive
Hanging from a tree.

by Special K
A dark winter night
The stars are shining bright on
To the sycamore

A dark winter night
A bright sunny day
A flowery spring

by Rosie
In summer birds sing
In autumn the leaves fall down
The seasons just rule.

The Tree Spirit
The trees whispering
The birds singing with them
They make music...

by R
The huge spider ran
Running round and round his web
Raining down on him

By Spiderman
I ran threw the street
Stones and concrete at my feet
As the sun made heat

by Streets
Oh conker tree please
Give me some conkers
Oh conker tree please

Oh tiger stoking
Oh rabbit pray watch out
Run rabbit run away

By John

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Everyone talk about nature
But do they really know, do they
Do they really know?

That nature can be
Have you every thought it can be
Maybe it can be

Maybe it can be
It could be magical, just maybe
Have you ever thought?

Have you ever thought?
About the nature bed in,
The flowers and trees

Magical it is, yes
So remember nature it is
Magical in life

By Tinkerbell

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Here's a link to the class WIKI, where I will be posting and uploading resources, etc. that will help with your class work as well as with any homework.

S1 Wiki